Just water before meals to fill the stomach is not the idea.
Timing and right water are key.Why? Kangenwater increase the metabolism Naturally, weight loss occurs when you are burning more energy than you are taking in. Most weight loss plans involve reduced caloric intake and enough exercise to help boost your metabolism.

What many plans fail to emphasize is the importance of high quality water in this process. Water is at the very base of all electrochemical reactions that can lead to weight loss.

For example, with the assistance of water, your body’s liver can utilize and metabolize your body’s stored fat into energy. Because water helps move nutrients across the body from food and nutritional supplements, it contributes to building muscle mass as you exercise and weight train. Increased muscle mass therefore leads to an increase in metabolic rate.

Dr. Hiromi Shinya, in his book, “The Enzyme Factor” addresses this issue of weight and kangenwater:

“The idea of drinking water to lose weight may sound bogus, but the idea holds some truth.

“When you drink water, the sympathetic nerves get stimulated. activating energy metabolism and increasing caloric consumption, which results in weight loss. When you stimulate the sympathetic nerves, adreneline is secreted. Adreneline activates the hormone-sensitive lipase found in fat tissue, which then breaks down triglycerides into fatty acid and glycerol, making it easier for your body to burn stored fat.

Timing is important. Water before meals at least 30, 40 minutes, no water during meals.


Step 1

Read the manufacturer’s instructions for installing the Enagic water system to your kitchen water source. Install as directed to your cold water supply. Push the “Kangen™” button to prepare drinking water at the optimal Ph. level of 8.5 or above, as recommended by Japanese scientists at Shiga University.

Step 2

Weigh yourself and record the number in the journal for a starting point reference. Drink one glass upon rising the first day you begin with the Kangen™ water. Hydrate your digestive system by drinking one glass 30 to 40 minutes before your midday meal. Consume one glass between lunch and one between lunch and dinner.

Step 3

Drink one glass 30 to 40 minutes before your evening meal. Write down your meal and water times for the day, as well as record how you feel physically.

Step 4

Read your journal entries the following day and try to stick to this schedule for the duration of your weight loss program. Keep your consumption of all food drinks consistent, especially your servings of Kangen™ water.

Tips and Warnings

“Consume half of your body weight in ounces of Kangen™ water daily,” suggests Molecular Hydration Specialist, Janet Keller. If you feel bloated or sluggish, cut down your intake by one to two glasses. Drink all water on an empty stomach for best results. Adhering to a low fat diet and doable fitness plan will increase your chances to lose weight with Kangen™ water. Do not use Kangen™ water to take medication, as it may cause some pill types to enter the bloodstream too quickly. Always consult your health care provider before changing your diet, fitness routine or supplement consumption.


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